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Having seen someone elses introduction post, reminded me I hadnt done one here it is!

Im 30, live in Surrey, but work mostly in London. I run my own computer
services company who provide web design, hosting etc and PCs for SMEs. We
also do intranet development for some larger organisations (hence my
current posting address :-)

Have a small X10 system at home consisting of Homeseer connected to CM12U,
with a few lamp modules, an outdoor floodlight, some internal wireless PIRs
and X10 remote. Alot of bits and pieces not yet wired up as although Im
fine with wiring and electrics, Im nervous when it comes to cutting holes
in floors and walls to run cables or access light fittings!

I also have a Extreamer wireless streaming MP3 player which allows me to
listen to my MP3 collection (stored on my PC upstairs) on the main stereo
in the living room. The exsteamer is usually controlled by a web interface
(ie from the PC or via wireless PDA) but I dont have one yet, so I use the
X10 remote to send to a TM13U, which is then picked up by the CM12U and
Homeseer on the PC, which runs a script to send a UDP command over the
wireless LAN to the Exstreamer! Its a bit long winded but it works! This
also means I can control what music is playing in my house via the net
(Homeseers web interface)

I also have a webcam on the PC hooked up to Homeseer and the PIR sensor
which takes a snapshot of my landing if motion is detected and emails me
the picture. Pretty limited in operation at present as Im restricted by the
USB cable length on the PC. Might invest in a Wireless webcam soon though,
so I can mount one downstairs also.

I think thats about it - if you have any questions about any of the above,
I'd be more than happy to answer them (or give you a demo if you wish!)


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