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RE: [FS] Dell Axim X5 Professional

Yup, if I wanted a phone and a separate PDA, I'd have done the same.  The
6600 is still a good phone, way better than previous recent offerings.  I
think Nokia are trying too hard to build to a budget, and it's showing in
either the build quality &/or the usability.


-----Original Message-----
From: P Murgatroyd [mailto:yahoogroups@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 01 December 2003 22:41
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] [FS] Dell Axim X5 Professional

Agreed totally... His was an orange model.. So that could have something to
do with it...

Peoples first reaction to the 6600 is "its very wide/fat" then
they hold
it... They realise why :-)

Agreed on the comparison front, and I wouldn't want to compare the two...
Its just that he had to make the same decision as yourself, he already has
an ipaq (5550 I think) so doesn't need two PDA-like devices... The P900 had
to go :-)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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