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Re: What the **** is going on!!!???

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: What the **** is going on!!!???
  • From: "alcinababe" <alcinababe@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 11:46:18 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Keith Doxey" <ukha@d...> wrote:

> Its quite common unfortunately.

Oh dear....I'm not going to like this am I :(

> When a bulb blows, a small piece of the broken filament often falls
> the two leads that support and supply power to the filament. When this
> happens, what used to be a 60W bulb will effectively become a several
> kilowatt bulb that lasts for a fraction of a second. This is the
> flash that you sometimes see as the bulb fails. This causes the fuse
to blow
> or the trip to pop. The lamps can also arc across the broken filament
> well which causes similar results.

Yup....on the bulbs I've witnessed blowing there has been a bright flash.

> Unfortunately, the high current that flows for a breif period kills
> triac in a dimmer causing it to go short circuit which is why after a
> failure a dimmer will often be stuck at full brightness. They can be
> repaired by replacing the triac if you can get them apart.

And that also in an LM15?  Is it something a novice can
replace?  I've assembled a radio from a kit (and it works!), so I feel
confident about soldeing a PCB.  I don't mind replacing a small component
every time (assuming said small component is considerably cheaper than a
new LM15).

> X10 is designed to a price not quality. Although we pay through the
nose for
> X10 products in the UK,

Ooooh.....don't get me started on this one!

> Just as a point of interest... what way are the lamps in question
mounted ?
> Cap up or cap down?

Um...cap up.  They're in ceiling lights hanging on a little pendant

> Sorry it doesnt solve your problem but hopefully it explains what is
> happening

Many thanks for this information Keith. So it looks like they're going to
continue to fail every time a bulb blows.  Sigh....back to the drawing
board.  I
don't have space, or an available socket in the hallway to use a Lamp
and a table lamp.  I guess it's either DIY soldering of the blown component
(can anyone give me any pointers?) or 25 quid a pop (pun intended this
time!).  I should return this blown LM15 back to Letsautomate before the
warranty's up :)   From the bumf I take it I can't use a long life
fluorescent bulb
thing in an LM15.  Do those 10 year incandescent light bulbs advertised in
back of the newpaper really last that long?

Many thanks

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