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RE: Re: C-Bus and Wire-wound transformers - HELP

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Re: C-Bus and Wire-wound transformers - HELP
  • From: "Rob Mouser" <rmouser@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 22:32:37 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Well I may as well chuck my two peneth worth in here as well :-)
Our barn has all it's lighting run on c-bus and every room in the house
uses halogen lighting and a mixture of both 20/50w LV and 50w M/V units.
I would agree that the MV lights do not give such a 'nice' white light,
BUT....It is rare that we use the halogens as the primary light source,
in all rooms we have at least two zones (In fact in all but one 3!) to
provide task, accent, ambient lighting etc. In all rooms there is a mix
of halogen and incandescent lighting so it is less important over all.
My advice....plan your lighting design well and make good use of scene
setting, that's the best bit of an automated scheme IMHO. One touch of
your NEO switch and your zones gently rise/fall to the new
level......lovely! And if you've got a C-touch unit you can watch the
sliders move in real time, what more could you want?!?!?!?

With C-bus the bigger the transformer the more the buzz.
As far as buzzing is concerned my advice is ONLY use single transformers
with each fitting, its easier to wire and you don't loose the hole run
if the transformers fail. We have LV hals in the lounge and dinning room
and notice no audible buzz when at 85% brightness (Which is where they
are capped for the reasons Keith mentioned.) although it is more
noticeable when dimmed further, but very rarely is the room that quiet
that you can even notice it.

In the dinning room we do have a centre rise and fall fitting above the
table with 10 x 20w LV fittings on a wire. It makes a HELL of a din when
dimmed but again if were at the table were entertaining, have music on,
generally tipsy! So no one EVER notices.

So in summary if your house is a library, then worry about it. If not
get c-bus, you'll never go back.



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