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RE: Re: You've been framed :-)

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Re: You've been framed :-)
  • From: "Phil Harris" <phil@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 22:15:24 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> On Thu, 2003-04-10 at 20:42, Phil Harris wrote:
> > If GPS speed camera locators are off topic and can be
> requested to be
> > stopped then can I bagsy this one as well!
> No! I got there first :-)

Problem is Stuart we seem to have two rules here ... We have what's on and
off topic for one person and what's on and off topic for someone else.

We have discussions on frames which are just turning into certain people
locking horns to simply show that they can regurgitate more and more
information - grandstanding for the viewing crowds on subjects that have
sweet FA to do with Home Automation and yet quite happily spouting on about
polls for the sexiest Sci Fi babe and christ knows what else.

I don't really give a sh*t who's right and who's wrong anymore ... I just
know that I got slagged publicly on the group by a certain person
questioning a descussion that Nick (IIRC) and I were having about THX
certification and how it applied to DVD players (which was raised by
else on the group initially) ... I'm told on the group that I'm not
qualified to make comment on what is being discussed and I'm accused of
stating things in my postings that no-one else was able to see in them.
I get a brief "Sorry - I was having a bad day" email before then
slated on IRC by the same person.

Well, I guess that someone has got the hump with me as I understand a
complaint was made to the UKHA moderators about "I don't expect to
have Phil
slag me off at 9pm tonight and demand it go off list" well, where did
I say
that Mark? Copying from my mail I wrote "Where the f*ck is this going
or is
this just a facing up exercise?" - did I slag you there? Did I ask for
to take it off list? Did I even *MENTION* you! Perhaps you should start
reading what's written and come to *ME* if you have an issue rather than
slating me publicly and bitching about me behind my back.

I don't really give a damn whether you do web design and consultancy for
your day job ... I'm not questioning your knowledge either ... I'm just
stating the same as several other people (but perhaps a bit more bluntly as
I tend to do) that the whole thread was turning into a pissing contest.

Anything not clear there?


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