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"Reader's wives"....

I know that Ian Lowe, Mark McCall and I are accused of having the only 3 HA-compliant SWMBOs in the Western Hemisphere... so I'd like to share this with you.

I had several messages off-list, expressing interest in the robovaccy thing bulk-buy...

One from a name I didn't recognise. I don't want to embarass the lady in question, but I asked her if she read the list in her own right, or the BB details had been given to her by a partner/husband.

Here's the response:

"To answer your question no I don't read UKHA_D myself. There are so many interesting news groups out there its difficult to read them all.  My husband reads UKHA_D and passes on all the highlights. I also get to enjoy the purchases like the SliMP3  and the latest the TiVo from unbeatable.  The TiVo arrived last friday and I was at home that day so was able to set it up and get the 3 hour set up completed before my husband got home."

I'll leave it up to the conscience of the lucky man as to whether he comes forward.

Also, to confess whether this is legit, or he forged an email pretending to be from a female :-)



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