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RE: Do you really need a projector screen? - NO - Paint code

> > a/ I don't have the hassle of trying to choose em
> > b/ No browsing p0xy B&Q's paint aisles
> > c/ Not my fault if it looks awful
> No downsides to that idea then. ;)

Especially given c/ above :-D

> > tinkered as in "turned the contrast up"? :-D
> Nope, tinkered as in the contrast, brightness and colour toyed with on=
> both the projector and the i-Scan. The problem is always finding the > correct level to allow detail on "black" surfaces, like a bl= ack jacket
> or similar where you can still see the folds in the cloth but
> the jacket yet it remains black to the eye. Smoke and mirrors really.<= BR>
Any suggestions on a good disc to use to 'calibrate'?
I used the THX optimiser (though a PITA that the projector menus cover most=
of the image you are supposed to be adjusting:( ) but found that it was
still a bit soft afterwards and had to fiddle a bit more.

Have now hooked up sky etc and. getting crap piccies, I remembered that I had one of those video enhancing modes set on the poxy dvd player from when=
I had only a sheet as a projector, so I need to recalibrate anyway :-(
SWMBO out tonite, so a good opportunity to do it in peace!

> > That reminds me - how much life is left in the bulb on
> mine?  & r they
> > expensive (I'm guessing "oh yeah!" here :()
> There should be a good bit of life left in it, remember I


> =A3200 a pop, which ain't *that* bad for about 2000 hours of

nah, that is very acceptable.

> specific to a certain model, but the lesson is...change the bulb after=
> three or four years regardless as, if the LCD takes a hit
> it's basically goosed!

OTOH, it spells an opportunity to upgrade :-)



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