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BlueYoda launch their 1Mb service!

Finally, at a mere additional tenner a month a 1meg up/256k down service
This makes it viable now (hopefully) for me to be able to access my music
wherever I go as this should be fast enough for streaming audio.
I am currently ripping my entire CD collection to WMA format for the
audiotrons, and it would be nice to be able to stream them to web clients
also (ie me in an office basically).

Does anyone know of some funky (and of course, free/cheap) software I can
run to stream these puppies out?
It would be nice if it could maintain some kind of browsable interface to
the music too - Windoze Media Player is kindly finding album covers as well
as song titles, and it'd be nice to have something to pick up on these
automatically and build a website....

thoughts on a postcard please.....


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