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RE: Email And WebServer


Well - saying you don't want to spend horrendous amounts of money, and then saying that you're going to use Exchange server isn't snap :-)

A Via box with 256Mb RAM will run Exchange 5.5 perfectly well, together with a web server.

You will need a fixed IP for your Exchange server. This is the IP address that you get your DNS "MX record" pointed to. (An MX record defines where mail should be delivered.)

Personally, if you're up to installing NT on a small network, then installing a single-site Exchange shouldn't be that hard.

On web servers, if you must use Windows, then I'd go for apache or Jetty. Jetty is, well, harder, but overall will give you a superb server capable of hosting Java Servlets. You don't need a separate IP address - most of the modern servers support "virtual servers", in which they work out whether the client is asking for "" or "" and serve up the right page as appropriate.

If you want a really easy server, the MS one (IIS) isn't bad. I've managed to get a few quick and dirty websites up by following my nose on that.



-----Original Message-----
From: paul_watkin [mailto:paul_watkin@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 13 June 2002 16:11
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: [ukha_d] Email And WebServer

I am now getting adventurous and fancy hosting my own websites and
providing my own email server, but haven't got the first clue how to
achieve it!!!

So can somebody please explain in SIMPLE terms, what I would need to
implement in order to have the following functionality.

1. WWW server preferably supporting multiple web sites (not sure how
this is acheived, do I need a seperate IP address for each site?)

2. Email Server that is completely stand alone collecting email from
the internet and sending it directly, not via a third party service
provider. Is this possible without spending horrendous ammounts of

3. If possible use standard USB webcams (assuming I use Win2K) and
have the images served up on different websites running on the www

Important Points
1. I will be using Exchange as I want the group calendar functions etc
2. 1 Box solution preferred i.e NT/2000 Box.
3. Fixed IP Address available
4. I will not be using LINUX

I would prefer to have as much of this under my control as possible.

Also would a Via C3 board be powerfull enough to provide this kind of

If I am asking daft questions or have missed something previously
posted my apologies.



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