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RF tagging and identification

I remember reading about a product called "FindEntity" a few years ago it
used Texas Instruments 13.35MHz RFID tags.  The system was designed to track
important documents in offices.
Readers were attached to the nearest networked computer and strategically
placed under desks and in filing cabinets.  The tags were simply stuck to
any document that needed to be tracked (They were the thin foil aerial type)

If a user wanted to know for example "Where's did this week's radio times
go?" they would just query the system via a computer and it would respond
with the location of the last 'reader' to have seen the tag attached to the

They even had a 360degree steerable laser pointer that could be attached to
the ceiling and would spin around and point to the loctaion of the document
- presuambly for use if you had tons of filing in one office.

I always dreamt of having one of those systems at home.  The trouble is
EVERYTHING would need a tag :?)


Finding our two cats would be easier too,  and they're already tagged  :-)

David F H Ward
Sira Electro Optics Ltd.
Electronics Design Engineer
South Hill

Tel.      +44 (0) 20 8468 1782
Fax.      +44 (0) 20 8468 1771
E-mail:      David.Ward@xxxxxxx

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