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Re: SWMBO 1 - TiVo 0

>  Does anyone know if you had selected the next program after, such as the
> news it would have given tivo enough time?

Yep.... if Tivo thought "Evening News" or whatever the programme was
called, was on straight after, then it would've recorded that straight
afterwards and it would appear in the Now Playing list as "Evening News"
but the first however many minutes would be the run-on.... of course the
end of the news would probably be chopped depending on how the schedule
went.... :o

> Is it not possible to set 'buffer' times for early start and
> overrunning on
> a system or per recording basis? (I'm not trying to wind you up James, I
> would just like to know!)

Yep, totally. Per individual recording, per season pass, per wishlist,
they're all possible! You can set start early and end late (specifying
how many minutes) but you can't start late or end early.


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