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Need legal advice?

The combination of the BB threads and Nik's has made me worry. This ISN'T about profit or not, and it doesn't apply to the Audiotrons (see end) :-)


Let's run by a quick scenario:

- UKHAer "A", buys product "B" from US supplier "C", through a bulk buy organiser "D".

- 6 months later, "A" suffers an injury as his "B" explodes.

- This injury forces him to take 12 months off work.

- Fortunately, he is insured, and his insurance company pays his disability benefit

- His insurance company then starts the normal process of looking for someone to claim the money back off.

- Increasingly, it is standard practice to issue "shotgun suits" - ie to issue suits for damages against everyone in the chain... manufacturer, US supplier "C", _and_ probably bulk-buy organiser "D".

... it's possible that the courts might rule that D had a responsibility, had committed an offence by selling something without CE certification, and this offence had ended up in an injury... therefore D was responsible?

What d'ya think?


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