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RE: How important is static IP?

On 28 May 02, at 13:43, Chris Bond wrote:

> > And the =A326 option is the Connect 500 Lite option.
> That=92s what I have and they allocate 5 ip addresses for you to use a= nd
> 1 for the router.
> > I'm confused by these seemingly conflicting statements on their 4= web
> > page.
> Its all about filling in there ripe form correctly, basically make
> sure you put at least one SSL machine behind it etc so you get the ip<= BR> > allocation.

Ahhh, having looked at the form I now understand. Thanks Chris. I
may have to get back to you on that one then as my limited
network knowledge doesn't extend to the ins and outs of NAT and
SSL for this RIPE form !!!

Can you request additional IPs at a later date, e.g. after filling in
the RIPE form appropriately once ADSL is enabled in the first

I really want at least one static IP address so that no matter what
else I setup, I know that my number is me.

This was a great advantage when I used to try out NetMeeting with
my father when I was on Demon and had a static IP address. He
didn't have to concern himself with address servers, he knew my
number and knew where to pump it in.


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