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Re: Showshifter & me - all your base belong to us

Wow, talk about in depth... :)
Im sure glad I tried to have a discussion about the merits of both SYSTEMS.
People compare Tivo as a system, against showshifter software just existing in some mythical no hardware land.
Showshifter runs on a pc. It does more than Tivo does.
The pc itself can also do things in the background.
I know you guys must realise this, but your desperate to deny it!
Well, at least those reading thru the threads with an open mind can see my point.
Maybe I can put it this way. Mark you have an Ipaq.
Did you ever argue with a palm owner that it does much more than a palm does?
And the palm owner argues back that the palm is a better PIM?
(I own both before anyone starts on that one, hell I owned the first palm PILOT)
It's kinda like that. Interesting that you have an Ipaq and a Tivo. Muti function, Single function.
I don't like closed single function unless it has some major advantage like size, cost, weight or massively better implementation of the single function.
For example I own pc's that play mp3's. I own a jornada that plays mp3's. I own a tiny light mp3 player.
I use it for jogging. The jornada, like most pocket pcs, is too heavy. The pc is unthinkable.
Single function, but size and weight give it value to me in that situation.
(Single function) Tivo just doesn't have any of those over a (Muti function) pc with showshifter.
Its no smaller. Weight isn't an issue as they're not going anywhere fast.
It's not a massively better timeshifter either. So it just makes no sense to me.
Every system either dies or moves on. Moxi and sonic blue already moved on what is possible from a closed box solution
Come on Mark, expect a little more from your hardware.
I rest my case :)
P.S This is definitely my last post on this. I'm sure those in the Enough! thread will be pleased to hear!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Showshifter & me - all your base belong to us

> Don't get me wrong, Tivo is a nice pvr. As just a Timeshifter, its better
> than Showshifter at the moment.

At last!  I rest my case.

Thank you, and goodnight.


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