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RE: xAP - The Proposed Architecture Explained...


Buy using a central PC you're creating a master-slave system, the
suggested use of broadcast messages makes the system effectively master
less for nornal day to day running. Thus other than the physical
transport, failure of a single device would not stop the whole system
continuing to function.



On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 10:54, Jason Lee wrote:
> Forgive me, cause I've not really been following this, but isn't it
> easier to centralise the processing to one point? Why make 20 little
> devices with brains when you can have one device direct each display..
> IE Control PC.

> Then the smarts go in the PC, where its cheap and simple to do so, and
> the displays just listen for their ID at the top of the data packet. IF
> ID = ME display.

> >From what you described each device will need to be taught what it
> should and should not display? Would this be done from the pc? Which
> means writing a layer to teach the device.. Which would not be necessary
> with what I described above.

> Now maybe as a consequence of the devices being networked, they would
> have lots of smarts anyway to do this processing, so the hardware for
> that processing is 'free', but I just thought I'd throw this idea
> around.

> Not that the hardware is something I'm interested in immediately, but I
> think many have discovered that if we leave these things and come back
> to them later, we find they don't match what we THOUGHT they were, and
> then everyone loses.

> J
Stuart Poulton
Senior Computer Officer
Theoretical Astrophysics Group
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy                  Tel. +44 (0)116 223-1016
University of Leicester                        Fax. +44 (0)116 252-3311
Leicester, LE1 7RH                        E-mail: swp@xxxxxxx ENGLAND

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