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RE: Re: URGENT - Please Read

> Mark doesn't get the choice IIRC, if you create a group you become a
> moderator (read owner) of the list.. I think it's a feature of YHG

Yes, but Mark _has_ moderated in the past, and ppl _have_ looked to him for
guidance on what is/is not acceptable - defacto, however inactive usually,
Mark _is_ the list moderator and if ppl don't like what he's doing then they
can't take it away from him because it is _his_ list and he can do what he
likes with it (NB, this is not a suggestion that I or indeed anyone else is
happy with the way Mark does things, just pointing out that he is in charge
whether he likes it or not really).

> > post.  It may be the remaining 90% or so are happy with the way
> things are
> > (or it's just not a problem about OT stuff etc) and simply will not
> vote.
> If you don't vote and things don't go your way you can't complain...

Being part of the silent majority, they wouldn't complain anyway :-/
I just don't think it would be fair for a vocal minority to cause changes in
the list if the silent majority are happy as is......

> Yes, very true .. and the numbers get higher so does the likelyhood
> of a brush/flame war....

....which ppl should accept because we're all different, all have our own
opinions, and all have bad days - there are _bound_ to be clashes.

> > I don't think you can get back to the happy days of a small
> community full
> Agreed, a sad but true fact..

But then, I'd probably not be here if it was (some would no doubt say that
is a good thing) and certainly would be a whole lot richer :-/


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