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RE: HA is going good today

Campbell Macdonald wrote:
> Are plumbers all really small with small hands and lots
> of strength.....either that or how the heck did they
> manage to work on that bath ??????

LOL, the holes in biro pen tops is a much easier one to answer!

I always wondered the same thing. They must need leather skin and at least
double jointed limbs to get into most areas they manage to while tightening
fittings with mere millimetres of play must require a lot of stamina if not
strength. My plumber is not "small", and I imagine his hands will follow the
same proportions as the rest of him, so I have no idea how he fitted my
bathroom - modern variety where picking up a cat, let alone swinging one, is
an achievement!.

I actually think they have a lot in common with car mechanics (plumbers not
bathrooms). When I used to have the enthusiasm to do my own repairs, it
always finished (many hours later) with hands numbed from pain and often
more red from being torn by engine parts than black with oil, whereas the
"pros" just fiddle for a couple minutes, wash in Swarfega and seem none the
worse for wear when showing you some solenoid or other!


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