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RE: HV Multizone IR

>             I havnt seen any Xantech gear ,but there would be some
>             1:  My rx unit is powered by 12v dc

So is Xantech but, IIRC, it's a bit fussy.

>             2:  It uses the cat5 system

Had I done in the first place what I should have and read the site I
would have known that and seen that it looks not to be compatible.
However after scouring the posts I found the url and have now read up on

>             3:  There is a chip on board that generates the zone
> signal (mono timer)

Yup I got that, eventually.

> But im sure the xantech stuff looks a lot more attractive

The one good thing about the Xantech stuff is that it is *very*

> What sort of prob,s did you have with the hv mfb zone txing?

TBH, I can't remember I only toyed with it for a short time and then
ditched the idea, from memory I would have needed a different
distribution block for each zone to use the kit I have, but I honestly
cannot remember so I simply configured the Pronto in each area to cope
and HV generally. It works fine but in some ways can be a bit of a pain
at times.


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