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pissed off

Comments like this one REALLY pisses  me Off even though your not refering to my project . If people like you want all the bells and whistles you have a price to pay and thats dfevelopement time . The person developing this product is paying a higher price in that he has less time to spend (and probably out of pocket) with his family as all his spare time is taken up trying to provide people like you a cost effective solution to your wants and needs......
Frank Mc
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 12:28 AM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Re: Hv multizone ir system Costing

Should I wait, or it will end up like famous switcher....:-).
-----Original Message-----
From: ianwbird [mailto:Ian@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 August 2002 15:11
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Re: Hv multizone ir system Costing

Sorry to drop in half way through the thread and not having read the
previous posts I hope I don't put my foot in it but here goes.

It would not take much to build an interface into a PIC to take the
place of HV. The problem is the IR format I think. There are two
obvious options

1) Off the top of my head you would need one PIC controller to set up
the zones and effectively replace HV. This would take a serial port.
You would then need another serial port to send or at least control
the IR itself. Something like a UIRT might work there. A little bitty
in approach but should work.


2) You have probably seen the posts I have put up about the IR units
I am developing which turn IR into data which can be serially
transmitted. I don't see why these could not be added to this system
as an interface to the PC. There would of course need to be a PC
application and timing would be an issue but in theory it is
possible. Franks devices (I think and correct me if I am wrong)
simply route the raw IR signals down to different zones. I don't
think there is any changing of formats e.g. >from would make learning
the IR and doing stuff with the data much easier.
My kit runs on RS485 as well meaning you can have all the stuff off
one serial port e.g. the PIC controller for setting up zones and the
IR interface device.

There are other options depending on Franks design which can be
explored in the future.

The simplest I think would be the solution that takes two serial
ports mentioned above.

Mare after I have thought about it a bit more..........

Ian B

p.s. as an example of where it gets more complicated and the timing
problems mentioned earlier: My Sony telly will only respond to an IR
signal made up of three identical bursts of IR over X time frame.
Send only two and nothing happens as I found out last night:-(( This
is why Siteplayer etc. would not work without some considerable extra
brains. IR tends to work in real time unlike data and some networks.

--- In ukha_d@y..., "Nikola Kasic" <nikola@k...> wrote:
> Somehow, I missed that request as well.
> Or it was not clear enough what that was all about :-).
> It's a shame, because Frank is restricting it's market to 10-15% of
> group, which have homevision (my estimate).
> In fact, it seems already that there are more people without
> interested in it.
> Maybe siteplayer module can be an answer and will transform signals
from one
> format to another.
> Nik
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: John Risby [mailto:john@e...]
>   Sent: 09 August 2002 13:50
>   To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx>   Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Re: Hv multizone ir system Costing
>   >>And one even more important thing, will it be able to work
without HV
>   at some stage, i>.e. will it be possible to connect controller
unit to
>   serial port >on PC?
>   >No ... i did ask when designing the new board if pc comms was
>   no one replied so i took that as no one interested..........
>   >Frank Mc
>   I know we've discussed this privately Frank, but I'm so sorry I
>   that request at the time. Ability to control via the serial port
>   be a great feature.
>   Actually, that leads to an idea... perhaps somebody with
>   development experience could build an additional module that
would hang
>   off a network and control Franks device, replacing the role
>   plays?
>   thanks
>   john
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