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Re: Re: Hv multizone ir system Costing

> I dare say that Frank (if he is still awake) is feeling very slightly
> deflated right now. He did in numerous threads talk about the design
> of his IR system. In all of those threads he solicited ideas and
> opinions, but response was very poor. Andy and I found exactly the
> same with HomeAutomator and I have seen lots of other projects
> started here that go the same way.

I think the threads often get lost in the ether.  There's a lot of
messages to contend with.  Whilst I generally read all the messages, I did
miss this one.  Sadly it was quite an important one, but we still have an
amazing product.  It just means I need to dave up for HomeVision a little
quicker :-/

> I'm sure that Frank, just like Andy and I, eventually got fed up with
> the lack of response here and so designed and built what he needed.
> It will soon be available for a very reasonable price and if you can
> use it then I'm sure you will find it an absolute bargain! If it
> doesn't meet your needs, then you know why that is.

Yup, if it's not quite right, then now's not the time to be complaining!

> OK, rant over, thanks to Frank and all the other tinkerers here, and
> a boot up the arse for the silent majority.

Seconded.  This group is made by the selfless giving of information and
hard work.  It'd be much less of a community if noone were prepared to do
bulk buys, and nobody was prepared to develop hardware and software to
sell to us at cheap prices.

Building a community network for Bristol - updated 06/08
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