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Re: X10/Room Occupancy/SWMBO acceptance

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: X10/Room Occupancy/SWMBO acceptance
  • From: "tefxp" <roaming@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 07:40:01 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> > Dunno if you intend it that way, but you seem to be coming across
> > v.angry/agressive in your responses m8!
> Ooh, no sorry.  Not my intention at all.  If I come across as
> please ignore the angry bits - I'm not, and don't get angry on
the 'net. 

That's alright then.  Difficult to tell in email sometimes.....

> > I am not about to rewire the house as it has already been rewired
> > about 18 months ago when X10 was not yet on my radar.
> OK, I see your point, but that's not the same situation for
everyone.  I
> suppose our differences here are that I'm looking at this
generically, and
> you're looking at this from your set of circumstances.

Indeed I am - because it is _my_ problem :-)
Eveyone else either seems to:
a/ have rewired or is rewriring with a new consumer unit and LD11's
b/ Have a HA compliant SWMBO
c/ Have no SWMBO
d/ Had X10 before SWMBO and thus SWMBO has to accept use of
pronto/waving hand to indicate still there etc.....

Agreed though some of these issues could apply to others.....

> Agreed.  Perhaps you could mount a switch on the wall that operates
> wirelessly?  Would save rewiring.

Have only seen those horrible X10 stick on wall wireless switches -
no way jose!

> > Clearly we have different ideas of what is/is not acceptable or
> > desirable in an automated home.....
> I don't think so.  Anything which requires you do something non-
obvious is
> a step backwards, IMO.  There'll be nothing of that description in
my house.

Indeed - so to me, pressing a pronto 'night time'' button is a non
obvious thing to expect a non HA compliant person to do, but that
seems to be what is largely on offer as a solution......

> > Not sure about light coming ON in the morning automatically
> No, I wasn't sure about that either.  You could have a daily alarm
set so
> the light comes on gradually to wake you up.  Wouldn't work in
> though :-)

No, and wouldn't work with LM's either.  Thinking about the inline LD
jobbies but would need to find a suitable housing for them....

> > I have been doing it for the last weel whilst SWMBO is away and it
> > does help me to get up (even if it's damned annoying!) but as I
> > often get up a lot earlier than SWMBO, it may not be desirable to
> > turn it on and thus disturb her.
> Probably not.

SWMBO back last night.  Forgot to stop the light coming on in the
morning & hadn't told her it was going to come on .  5:30 am - BRIGHT
LIGHT.  Not impressed :-(

> bit of curtain twitching.  Here at work we have a direct line to
> police which triggers with the alarm.  The alarm is also so loud
that it's
> disorientating to walk around inside.  I stood outside the door as

I've no probs with alarms that talk to police/disorient/stun
burglars, I just think the "pretend you're in" bit maybe gives a
false sense of security.....


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