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X10/Room Occupancy/SWMBO acceptance


Looking for some ideas here.

In a bid to gain X10 SWMBO acceptance, I want to do something that might be
perceived by SWMBO as useful (or at least not a complete waste of time!), so
I thought it would be nice if the bed side light came on when SWMBO entered
the room.

Simple?  Yes, but there are a few problems.  This needs to be an intelligent
solution so:
PRB: No coming on during the day
ANS: Dusk till dawn sensor (PIR might have this built in) or if later than
7pm them light on or similar logic)

PRB: SWMBO gets into bed and starts to read.  The light goes out after 10
minutes of reading because the PIR thinks there is nobody in the room.
SWMBO will NOT start waving her hands in the air every 10 mins to keep light
ANS: PIR turns light on but does not turn light off - SWMBO must do that

PRB: SWMBO falls asleep with light on.  Light stays on all night thanks to
solution mentioed above
ANS: If > midnight (for example) or if on for > 2 hrs then turn OFF

So far so good (ish).
Now, the last problem.
PRB:  SWMBO went to bed, light came on, she read, she turned the light off
at 10:30.  I finally stop faffing about with my PC/watching TV/whatever at
11:30 and go to bed - Light comes on, SWMBO wakes up, 10 mins of swearing
about the bloody light switching on waking up SWMBO ensues :-(
ANS:  Dunno.... any ideas?

Using standard lamp module which does not come on Dimmed so can't even say
'If light was on tonight AND light was manually turned off AND motion
detected again THEN bring on light at 10% brightness' or something like

Also, can Homeseer for example cope with this logic or would I have to write
a custom app (interfacing to homeseer) to do this.
Yes, I KNOW HV would p*ss all over this, but I have NOT got it and am NOT
planning on getting it (yet) so plz don't suggest it (ken!)



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