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RE: Is COAX to every room really necessary

>It's up to you and what you want to do Chris.

Very true.

I have 8 coax (4 x 2) in some rooms, 4 coax in other.
I am in fact only using two of these throughout the house ATM.
I only ever envisage in one room using  2 of these max (one TV one FM), but
having the others gives me the flexibility to put the TV or radio in any
corner of the room rather than be limited to a single place.
Ditto CAT5 sockets in every corner - more for the flexibility they offer
than a need to use them all at once (except in the lounger where I had to
add a nother 6 recently to a v.busy corner.

>So far I haven't used any of the spares in each room, but it's nice to know
they're there.

Exactly - if you're in a position to chuck em in, coax is cheap, back boxes
are cheap, blanking plates are cheap, so why not have them just in case?

Would suggest you use sat grade coax "just in case" also.  I didn't
unfortunately due to some ignorance of standards on my part and the part of
the cable monkey :(  Not really a problem ATM, but potentially could be in
the future.


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