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Meteor/DECT problems?

Is anyone aware of an issue with DECT phones and Meteor?
Having identified (and had confirmed by him) that Patrick's plugin for HS
was indeed closing the COM port to Meteor, I have now eliminated one problem
I've been having.
However, have just phoned home and answering machine (ericsson DECT
phone/answering machine) picked up and...silence - no message no nothing.
Hung up and have tried a few times since and gotten only the engaged tone.
This, together with a comment by someone last night about my answering
machine "playing up" leads me to think it's too much of a co-incidence that
this happens shortly after Meteor is connected to the phone line.
when I left the house this morning, Equinox was running not HS/Patricks
plugin so I know that's not the culprit on this occasion.....



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