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RE: Meteor

>Detecting on incoming call with the Meteor is no problem but unless I have
>overlooked something, there is no method within the HS API to initiate an
>incoming call (or CID available) event.
>You can do all the regular stuff, hs.execx10 ("A1","ON") no problem, but
>something like "hs.incomingcall = true" just isn't there.
>That leaves poncing about with virtual devices or using HSP and a modem.
>Perhaps an email to Rich is in order?

Ah, right, I see where you're coming from...

Hmm.. don't the plugins run in the same context/environment (whatever the
right term is) as the main HS process? - couldn't they therefore share
global variables?...  or perhaps you could do whatever processing you want
to do right in the plugin itself... - it _is_ a part of the HS process after

I guess it depends what you actually want to do on a call event.... but for
my money, I see no reason why the plugin couldn't handle/perform all the
required processing when a call is received... including launching scripts
etc, so do you really need to pass the event and the event parameters back
into the main HS process?... Hmm... needs more thought I guess...


Paul G.

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