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RE: [xAP] PC Port Question

You can SEND onto the same port from multiple apps, because there's a difference between Source Port and Destination Port.

Two apps can both send to the same destination port, but have to have different source ports to run at the same time.

The Destination port is what we care about. For the moment, the source port is irrelevant.

AIUI, only one application can Listen on a given source port at any time. I'd been thinking about this in terms of display apps over the last couple of days, in particular how a Unix program might want to listen, and drive several serial devices. In the end, I decided that, in practice, it meant one listener program per PC (but that could, of course, drive multiple serial devices with different config.)

The complexity comes when control apps start to listen (in order to take action) rather than just broadcast. This means one app per PC at the moment... but I'm working on it ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony T [mailto:tonyt@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 15 August 2002 19:30
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: [ukha_d] [xAP] PC Port Question

Hi All,

I've been reading back thru the xAP posts, and I think the concept/protocol
is great.

Just wondered if anyone can shed light on a point about pc ports for me?
Is it possible to have 2 (or more) applications on a single pc
listening/sending on the same port?
I only ask, because I assume those who are using a pc will want it to act as
more than 1 device/plug-in?

I've been thinking for sometime about breaking up my ha software into a
series of plug-ins (rather than being one app). Being able to use xAP to
communicate between the core and the plugins would be cool. Plug-in's would
then be open to use with any system and vice versa.
But if the pc has a listener app running, no other apps could broadcast?

Many thanks
Tony T

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