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Re: A different interface on HA

Hi Nick,

>Not sure if anyone has tried this before?   I thought I'd share some
>ideas I'm having about integrating Home Automation with Instant

Been thinking about this for quite some time!

>I've found a Perl module that interfaces with MSN messenger:
>I think this could be an interesting way to interact with the house?
>I'm pretty much online on MSN all day at work and at home, so I thought
>it'd be pretty cool if I could use it for Home Automation too.

Very much so!

>I've registered a new username for the house (how odd does that sound!).

Not at all mate! - I've done the same, I have a buddy called "Paul's House"
on my contact list right now... I also use the status to indicate the house
state, - ie "online" = House occupied, alarm Off, whereas "Away" = House
unoccupied, alarm on, and so on...

>Using this I should be able to interface with HomeSeer, so I can give a
>command like "Turn on porch light".  I should also be able to Interface
>with Meteor so it sends me an message with the caller ID when I get a
>call and I'm out.

Homeseer integration is my primary aim too. To which end, I have begun work
on a plugin. So far, I have a plugin which checks the messenger client
status when Homeseer starts up and reports it to the Homeseer log, and also
writes any/all incoming messages via the MSN client to the Homeseer log as
well. That's as far as I got before things went crazy at work, although I
hope to resume working on it in the next 2 or 3 weeks...

>My next step is to interface to HomeSeer through Perl.  Has anyone done
>this before who can give me some tips?
>I see a few late nights playing with Perl coming up!

How's your VB? - I'm by no means an expert, so my work on this plugin is
painfully slow, as I'm kinda learning as I go along as well... - plus the
documentation for the MSN API doesn't exactly help... I could certainly do
with any help that's going with writing this plugin...

Paul G.

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