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RE: iPAQ 3970 Nevo 1st impressions

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: iPAQ 3970 Nevo 1st impressions
  • From: "Keyvan Rahimian" <keyvan@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 17:35:21 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Title: Message
More stuff on Nevo in iPAQ:
It seems some of first assumptions about the IR range may have been wrong.
I think the sensitivity/range may sometimes differ between devices.
I now have my DVD and Sky+ configured from downloaded code files.
The sky+ works great and the DVD to lesser degree (i.e needs more accurate pointing). The Denon is the worst.
Once you get used to the way the hard keys are mapped, it's easy to navigate between devices and screens (a little template image slides out to tell you which key does what - 4 buttons and the nav pad - and disappears after a second).
All in all I am getting to like the Nevo bit. The screen is very good from a touch sensitivity point of view (much better than ProntoPro) and you can very easily use your fingers instead of the stylus if you wish. Now that I got Sky+ working on it I am going to give the favourites (ch. logos) a try it with some bitmaps of UK logos. I am also going to get some special function keys assigned for things like input switching on the amp (they don't come with the standard set of icons when you first define the device). this will let me do the macro thing (single touch watch dvd etc.)
This is a much simpler device to configure but obviously without the programing power of ProntoEdit. There is no pc based config s/w - you do everything on the iPaq and things like the screen nesting type stuff is not there. But it is all you would want from a remote and has a very pleasing look which is really enhanced by the quality of the new iPaq screen.
Unless you can get a hefty discount on 38xx iPaq's I would go for one of the 39xx (personally I would buy a 3870 if it were less than half the price of a 39xx inc. vat etc.), it is a great little PDA - the usual issues about Compaq expansion jackets not withstanding - I wish they had a CF slot built in.
-----Original Message-----
From: Keyvan Rahimian [mailto:keyvan@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 27 July 2002 14:26

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