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Bulk speaker cable

I know there was some traffic a week or two ago about bulk speaker cable
WHA, the cheapest places to get it and so on... - ISTR a link to some Gale
cable at Richer Sounds for 70p or so per metre...

I recently took delivery of some Maplins cable, which I have to say, does
seem pretty good for the money:

Part    Description            Qty.    LineNett     LineVAT     LineTotal
PA09K   100m HiFi Spkr Cable      1      34.030       5.955         39.99

a 100m drum for £40, and that's delivered to my front door (free delivery).
The stuff itself is 79 strand in a white PVC jacket with a black stripe on
one side. It's also bloody heavy!! - I haven't checked it, but the whole
drum is surprisingly weighty!

I am going to use this for cabling for music speakers in some secondary
zones (kitchen initially), - there will be a seperate TTS speaker in the
zone as well, and I'll probbaly use it for that too, although I may still
have some much thinner cheaper stuff left over for that...

For TTS speakers only, this seems like overkill, but they do do some
bulk cable as well, and there is always the Homebase so-called speaker
which is dirt cheap... (about £10 a drum IIRC)


Paul G.

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