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RE: [OTish] DVD Writer Advice?

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [OTish] DVD Writer Advice?
  • From: "Kenneth Watt" <kennwatt@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 11:49:32 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> Um, are you talking about pc mounted or set top here?

PC Drive. Ricoh, Sony and Philips are on the case but I misread it and
it's a + drive for sure. :)

AFAIK, there are supposed to be drives on the way that do both formats
and that was what I was hanging off for rather than being stuck with one format for use in the PC.

> Um, now which type are we talking about here set top or pc? I believe<= BR> the
> set top +rw boxes may be more flexible in editing but thats a function=
> the box not the format.

Both really, you can write to the + format and delete sections without
re-authoring the disc and, AIUI, you can't do that with the - format.
Again the whole thing is so bloody confused it's hard to tell what is
and isn't fact from reading various sources.

> If you read back thru the last discussion on dvd formats we had on the=
> 'Some
> DVD bargains if you're interested, including DVDR!' thread , I did
> some evidence to suggest otherwise, chiefly that the -r format is more=
> likely to be readable in dvd-rom and set top dvd players than the +r > format.
> I guess that being able to give disks to people would be important to<= BR> a
> lot
> of users.

Yes the -R is more backwards compatible than the +R from what I
understand too, however it seems the +RW format is more compatible than
+R with older players. Since I will be using it to, more or less,
replace the VCR then the use of RW discs will be far higher than
write-once, so for me it makes sense to for a set-top box.

After doing some reading on it this morning, TBH, its way too much
hassle to burn on the PC for me, I don't have the time to watch half the stuff I want let alone arse about in the way I would have to in order to get stuff off TiVo so the easy way is to plug in an STB DVDR to TiVo and use as I would a VCR. Easy and not that much more expensive than a +
drive anyway with a hell of a lot more it can do for me than a PC drive
so to me that makes a lot of sense. And as for copying DVD's forget it
if you think it's a click and burn operation!

> I wouldn't bring it up, as you and I have done a few rounds before and=
> called it quits and I certainly don't want to go back down that route,=
> may have some questions to ask you about ld11's before long!!) but I just
> thought I'd pipe in my 2p's worth.

Not a problem, just don't get all nasty on me ;)

> The PC based prices are a04 =A3200 inc (all over the place) and philip= s
> inc from dabs (not aware of any better prices)

Yup, that's very true the Pioneer drives are well cheap by comparison.

My biggest problem with this is the confusion over what format does what and what doesn't and if we're getting confused then how do you think
normal punters that have no clue will feel? What I mean is that to the
public all that seems different is either a + or a - on the box or on
the disc case yet they cannot be used in either or! Very messy and a
very confusing state of affairs for everyone really, then into that is
thrown the old backwards compatibility issue!


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