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Re: [OTish] DVD Writer Advice?

>Yeah Jason, they're here now available as we speak!

>Mark found the Philips one that does -R/-RW & +R/+RW on DABS for = =A3289
>excl. VAT and for a domestic customer wanting the assurance that the >drive will work across all formats its great.

Um, are you talking about pc mounted or set top here?
Care to give me a link to a review?, coz I'm pretty sure that aren't any pc=
ones unless I missed something..

>From what I can gather the + format is better for video editing, faster=
>more flexible and the - format is better for data applications although=
>both can be used for either.

Um, now which type are we talking about here set top or pc? I believe the set top +rw boxes may be more flexible in editing but thats a function of the box not the format.

If you read back thru the last discussion on dvd formats we had on the 'Som= e
DVD bargains if you're interested, including DVDR!' thread , I did present<= BR> some evidence to suggest otherwise, chiefly that the -r format is more
likely to be readable in dvd-rom and set top dvd players than the +r format= .
I guess that being able to give disks to people would be important to a lot=
of users.

I wouldn't bring it up, as you and I have done a few rounds before and
called it quits and I certainly don't want to go back down that route, (I may have some questions to ask you about ld11's before long!!) but I just thought I'd pipe in my 2p's worth.

The PC based prices are a04 =A3200 inc (all over the place) and philips =A3= 340
inc from dabs (not aware of any better prices)


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