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Possibly OT: Ex-ondigital box keeps locking up

I'm having a problem with my 1 week old Pioneer (but before that the same
happened with a Nokia, which I returned to the store after reading up on how
crap these were) locking up in certain conditions. The only way to restore
life into the unit is then to push the on/off button to cycle the power. It
seems to be doing it when being on a channel that aires only at certain
times of the day (like cbeebies which stop transmitting at 7pm). After (no
more than) a half hour the box is completely dead and needs to be reset. Has
anyone else noticed or come accross this problem? Or am I just unlucky
having 2 (brand new) ex-ondigital going faulty in 2 weeks?  I tried to put
the stb on such a channel after it had stopped broadcasting, but even after
half an hour, the stb still worked, which indicates to me that somehow the
stb gets corrupted (buggy software?) when they change the signal from normal
broadcast to the message broadcast (that blue screen thingie). Any ideas,


I'm a bomb technician. If you see me running, try to keep up.

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