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WELL OT: whois record woes!

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: WELL OT: whois record woes!
  • From: steve@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 17:22:19 +0100
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

OK my domain registration ranout on the 19/8/01 fair enough i thought, it
was then reregistered by my hosting company
They updated the whois records accrodinlgy, apart from one ikkle detail,
the name servers, since this was a new webhost the nameservers wer still
pointing to my old host, with whom my website was still up with, and with
whom was still delivering my mail via a pop3 box on their servers.
at about 22:30 19/8/01 my blacktrionix's mail records went down the tube
because my old host deleted my dns records of their dns servers, fair
enough. This is about the same time that my domain was reregistered.
taken from

Organization:  Steven Daniels
address:  70 Holborn Hill _
Ormskirk, L39 3LJ   Ormskirk     AUSTRALIA

Admin contact:  Steven Daniels
email:  blacktrionix@xxxxxxx
phone:  +44 1695 579279
fax:  _

Tech contact:  Host Europe
email:  tech-c@xxxxxxx
phone:  [44] 20 7625 2700
fax:  44+(0)208752 1863


as you can see, i know live in austrailia!?! hmm that should be england...
and the name servers at the end of the whois record havnt changed to the
correct ones,with magic moments, i know what the correct dns servers, ips
and hostnames, i just cant change em myself. :( i have contacted my
webhost, on friday night, no reply as yet, we'll see on monday...

so now i cant recieve any mail from anyone on my domain :(

ifonly i could change the dns details myself over the web!

i searched for the registra, found its web addt :
went to the manage/maintinence section, put in my domain name, thinking, i
am on a winner here, damn, it says i need to contact me reseller. So i am
soon to be sending another email off to magic moments to ask them how i can
directly change the whois records without going through them, this should
be fun!

sorry for the rant, and sorry for the late emails  on sunday/monday/and
tuesday, they wer all sent on sunday, but yahoo lagged the hell out of
them, i am now starting to read the 200 hundred ukha_d emails online, this
should be fun!

if you got this far, got any idea how to change my whois records?


PS i am sending this online through my virtual ontrol pannel at if you get bored
take a look at the system, its pretty nice setup ;)

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