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Re: Re: Multi Input Video record card

> One approach which may work - modulate the cameras on individual
> channels and retune the video card for each image snapshot. I don't
> know what the settle time is the Philips tuner used on most BTTV
> based boards, but it is probably worth a go. This is how video cards
> typically construct the checkerboard summary of what's on all
> channels at the same time.
> The tools to set up such an arrangement are readily available off the
> shelf under Linux, although my guess is that without resorting to
> cutting code yourself, you'd be lucky to get more than 2 fps.
> Plan B would be a similar arrangement, but with a software controlled
> camera switch into the composite input, which might yeild higher
> frame rates.
> What sort of frame rate are you after?

Whatever I can get without lashing out on really expensive cards!

I did read on the linux dev lists that the average settle time between
sources is something like 1 or 2 frames, but this is from memory so I could
be wrong.
I know there are cards out there that can pull from 4 'live' feeds at once,
matrox make one as I recall, but I'm not sure how much it costs.

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