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RE: On and off topic... recovering a pine table and when Home seer failed...

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: On and off topic... recovering a pine table and when Home seer failed...
  • From: "Mark Hetherington" <mark.egroups@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 00:19:00 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> The Tuborg is nice in Copenhagen :-)

I went to Billund. Given the numbers they talked about during the vist,
Billund is not only where Lego have the head office and LegoLand, but is a
town that they "own". (8,000 residents, 5,000 work for Lego plus
those that

Some of the group who had been before were hoping the snow "down
south" did
not stay so we would not be stuck overnight or the weekend in Billund. It
has nothing there. It was described to me on the flight out as a place with
7 shops and this was not far off. The only "restaurant" is the
hotel (even the pizza joint shuts at 4.30 pm since their working day is 8-4
rather than our 9-5+nightlife).

The proliferation of huge Lego bricks in and around the town in a similar
manner to the way we place curious metalworks students crations as modern
art in our town adds to the "extended" Lego land feel of the

But I got a factory tour (which seems to be like gold dust even within
company staff), did this weird back to childhood thing in the Idea House,
and came back with free Lego stuff. Incidentally the Lego factory is the
automator's dream. Everything is automated and managed and although a lot
the technology used is simple, to see it in action and to interact with it
shows you how such a simple premise can be so effective. Automated fork
turcks are very "spooky" particularly when 2 or 3 stop around you
as if
"checking you out".

The private Lego jet we flew on now has me thinking that scheduled First
Class flights is poor. This plane is the rich guy's plane. Very cool
camera displayed to LCD screens throughout and *real* food and drink.

Definitely not keen on Danish "sandwiches" but didn't get chance
to try out
anything else Danish.

Demark itself, odd. Colder than here (but expected), completely and utterly
flat. Every inch is farmed and managed (even the trees are so obviously
regimentally planted. I suspect it would take a mere couple inches rise in
sea level for Denmark to disapear beneath it. The people, are nice, kind of
dry humour, and seem to have this regimental order to their lives that can
be seen in their landscape in that they all seem very
"organised". Never
seen so many power windmills before. From talking to people it seems that
Denmark does have an old castle on a hill somewhere and that is the highest
point at a mere 200ft (IIRC) above sea level. Tall buildings are also
prohibited which further contributes to them being "flat".

In summary, I guess surreal is the best word that I can use to describe
today in Denmark :)


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