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Re: Scart connectors

Advertise on the net for a bullet  proof cloak and you'll be OK. On the down side, I did try this a couple of times but have decided I am not so good at ironing my shirts or making my dinner.
Almos like "You're dinner's in the dog".  :-)
Good luck, My work colleague has it sussed. First wrap it up nicely, then address it to the family :-). It worked for his new £400 dvd player, especially as he bought toy story as well, once the kids were on his side,he was quids in.
Maybe you should load Doom on the epod, just to show you can play it while travelling :-)If only you could get a version of who wants to be a millionaire (me) on it, definitely a must do program for wives.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 9:20 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Scart connectors

I'm trying to think up an explanation for arriving home with an ePod tomorrow...
...she's gonna kill me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Campbell [mailto:c.macd@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 8:48 PM
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Scart connectors

I have now got my 28 widescreen Toshiba with DD. The picture is brilliant, even swmbo is impressed. Bought from Costco, we only just managed to get the thing in the Ibiza by bashing the box a bit. Worse still, it would not go through the door into the house, so we had to (the temp was -5°C) unpack it on the drive and even then it only just fitted through the door. I am intending buying a dvd player from Scan to make use of the Dolby Digital, but until then I will link my PC dvd to the tv using phono and scart.
The question is I am using phono out from the Matrox for video and from the soundcard for the sound left and right. What effect if any will commoning the grounds have
i.e. connecting scart
pin 4 audio out
pin 17 video ground and
pin 21 common ground together
If I common the grounds I can route audio and video in plus audio and video out in a single cat 5 cable and if required the pin 8 function switching.
Any advice gratefully received.
PS when I mentioned epods to swmbo she laughed and told me to look on the money tree for any growth. :-( Ah well I 'll just have to listen with envy.
I am running pc to scart on TV (I finally got my Tosh with Dolby digital excellent picture)
If the whole world smiles
is it a Universal Beam :-)

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