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RE: UK HA Newsgroup

On 2001.01.10 09:47:04 +0000 Michael Mc Aree wrote:
> Spam, silly questions etc. I won't be using it. AutomatedHome is the
> ideal
> starting point for new HAers and the eGroups are a natural progression
> for
> those with too much time on their hands. There is an eGroup message
> type thing, isn't there? What amount of traffic does it get?

The problem was when I was starting out was that it was hard to find UKHA
stuff, I didn't find Mark's site for a few weeks, and that doesn't include
12 months prior to that when I first looked at HA in a view to starting.

I'll certainly monitor the newsgroup & help out where I can.

The problem I see is that while there may be a fairly large existing base
of HA users in the UK, new people are put off by the lack of info. If I
hadn't seen something that had re-sparked my interest, I doubt I would ever
have got back onto HA. What this means is if we want to atract the casual
observers, and those with a passing interest we need to be more visible.

Our own ng is one way, but not the best. Most people who have a website
link to Mark's and other's websites, but that alone isn't very good

But having added exposure brings other problems, an increased subscriber
base would lead to and end to the frequent off topic threads that go on.

I started this about an hour ago, and now I can't think how to finish it
:-) I'll post it anyway, as it gives you the jist of what I'm trying to say

(o o)
Stuart Grimshaw          sg@xxxxxxx
Special Projects Developer                            t: 07976 625221
Schoolsnet LTD             .oooO  Oooo.               f: 0870 7060260
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