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RE: RE: (ukha_d) OT Was scan, now Digital cameras

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: RE: (ukha_d) OT Was scan, now Digital cameras
  • From: "Phillip Harris" <phillip.harris1@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 21:30:05 -0800
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

The only thing that I dislike about Epson printers is that in my experience
they tend to sound as though someone is breaking a wad of bamboo over their
knee when you power them up. When I go back to see my parents and they run
up their PC I keep thinking that their printers suddenly broken!

There's always the Olympus P400 if you want good quality prints at up to A4
size! *grin*

I do agree though that it is great to play around with your own images and
print your own photos ... however I'm not so concerned with longevity of
prints as if a picture fades a bit then you can always reprint it and when
you do it'll almost always be on a newer printer and so look better (all
being well).

The online printers are quite superb now ... I use one (Photobox I think)
print some photos taken at a family friends 50th birthday barbecue and
another batch from my mother-and-father-in-law-to-be's 40th wedding
anniversary dinner (including an 8 x 10 blowup) and on the regular prints
you would never know they were not from a regular camera - only if you look
closely does the lack of shadow detail and true depth of field give away
their non-35mm origins. Even on the 8 x 10 blowup I'm not convinced that I
can see a pixel structure ... most people would never even suspect that it
wasn't anything other than 35mm.

And at 22p a print for the standard size pics ... well, I don't think I can
print them out at home for that price!


-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Morris [mailto:timothy.morris@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 1:02 PM
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] RE: (ukha_d) OT Was scan, now Digital cameras

More on digital cameras.. Great review site. Not all inks and papers are created
equal. Prints will fade in direct sunlight over time. Epson have developed
new ink and paper system which outlasts anything else. Their printers seem
to  be highly regarded too now, and are *really* cheap now - you can't beat
the flexibility of editing a photo yourself, even if it is just to remove
redeye - print out at 200 pixels per inch (not the same as dpi!), and never
enlarge the raw image by more than 10%). I'm lucky, I picked up a copy of
Photoshop 5.0 at a bankruptcy sale for ?25, and have been learning how to
use it through a 'tutorial' book. In one of the early chapters he mentions
getting a graphics tablet (just try signing your name with a mouse!), and
for someone as graphically challenged to me - can't draw a straight line -
it makes editing so much easier! You can pick a Wacom Graphire, which has a
pressure sensitive pen and a cordless mouse from dabs for 70 quid.


-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip Harris [mailto:phillip.harris1@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 06 January 2001 02:46
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] RE: (ukha_d) OT Was scan, now Digital cameras were also pretty good too...


-----Original Message-----
From: peter.white@xxxxxxx [mailto:peter.white@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 6:23 AM
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] RE: (ukha_d) OT Was scan, now Digital cameras

Sorry - nothing to do with home automation, but if any of you have digital
cameras out there, you might be interested in a website called -
I got a camera a few of weeks ago whilst in Singapore, and have just used
to 'develop' the prints, at 24p per 6x4 photo.  Excellent service, 48h
turnaround on the 2 occasions I've used them.

I know you can print them at home, my little old Lexmark just didn't quite


PS Don't forget - uploading 50MB takes a while over a phone line, so do it
the office!

-----Original Message-----
From: MIME:phillip.harris1@xxxxxxx at INTERNET
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 01:31
To: White, Peter; ukha_d@xxxxxxx at Internet
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Did someone mention they lived near Scan in Bol

This is the only reason I regret buying my Olympus C3030 ... uses
instead of Compact Flash!

Are you sure your camera can accept the CFII format cards - remember that
they are slightly thicker than standard CF cards.


-----Original Message-----
From: Henderson, Darren [mailto:Darren.Henderson@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 4:33 AM
To: 'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'
Subject: [ukha_d] Did someone mention they lived near Scan in Bolton ?

Because on the Today Special page there is an IBM Microdrive 340Mb for 159

Now because I live in Northern Ireland, they want to charge 30 Quid + vat
for delivery !!!, Im sorry but for a Microdrive half the size of a box of
matches that is TOOO much.

So does anyone live near Scan that could pick it up for me and send it on a
less expensive route ?

Im slobbering and the amount of images I can fit onto it from My Digital
Camera :o)

Darren Henderson

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