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RE: LM12W - X10 Lamp controler.

I thought it was either you or Ant that suggested it.

I'm decorating the lounge over then next few weeks, and X10ing the light in
there is something I want to do. Rewiring the whole thing is obviously out,
but trying to fit something into the ceiling rose would be a good

Ideally, I wanted to have LD10 style memory dim etc, but I can build some
Misterhouse code to control the dimming. I'll definatly have a look at
putting an appliance module up there, though if I have to put up withoujt
the momeory dim, I might just go for one of the LW12U's intead, and figure
somewhere easy to install it (perhaps next to the actual switch in the
spare side of a double back box.

Before I pull my appliance module apart, how easy are they to put back
together? :-)

On 2001.01.02 19:11:25 +0000 nigel@xxxxxxx wrote:
> > Someone suggested mounting an X10 unit in a ceiling rose (was it
> > Ant or
> > Nigel?)
> 'Twas me, I was considering an LD10, as there wasn't much interest
> I'll have to put up with a square box, shouldn't be much bigger than
> a standard ceiling rose (usually 3-4" diameter)
> Actually, now I've got round to disassembling on of my appliance
> modules, the actual working bit is quite small and separates easily
> from the UK plug/socket bit (presumably to make it easier to produce
> for various other countries' sockets!), so it might be a better
> option.
> It is now fairly low down on a long to-do list though...
> Nigel
> --

(o o)
Stuart Grimshaw          sg@xxxxxxx
Special Projects Developer                            t: 07976 625221
Schoolsnet LTD             .oooO  Oooo.               f: 0870 7060260
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