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Web Access - what to display of your home

as sme of you know I'm starting to put together a website so that my wife
and I can remotely control and monitor our house. Part of the site is
available to visitors but the thing that I'm wondering is - well is it a
good idea when displaying your Appliance modules etc to show the house/unit
code... I'm thinking maybe someone would have a peek and then do the one
thing that we all worry about - hide in the bushes until you go out and
then try their now slimmed down list of HC/UCs to see if you have any RF

none of my security stuff is handled by X10 but there's still a lot of
annoyance etc that they could cause???

What do you think. Paranoia?


--- Tag-it! v2.0 (c) Andy Powell ,1998,1999,2000...and beyond..

Sometimes, when it's quiet, you can hear the brain cells die...

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