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Re: HA wiring

Thanks to Mark McCall for his comprehensive reply re wiring.

I was away last week in Germany and ADSL is widely available there
and wait for it.... this will make you sick....costs only 16 pounds
per month for 500k + bandwidth.

Now back in UK and...
One point on 'scene style' lighting which I did not describe well...

Consider a bathroom with main lights from one DIN module and mirror
lights from another DIN module.
One option would be to have a double momentary switch outside. Each
switch would run back to each X10 DIN module. However this means that
the logic is fixed at install time.
I would like to play around after fixing wires and possibly have one
switch turn on both circuits full and the other turn on one dim and
one bright.
The RF route is an option, but this involves a real switch as well.
It would seem sensible to have a dual momentary mains switch that
would simply signal X10 to a controller over the mains. Then this
controller would link the switch to the function.
Is there such a device? This would break the hard connection between
switch and DIN rail to allow more flexibility from the switch. (I
realise that full external X10 control is possible anyway)

But I also keep thinking that I must allow the faint possibility of
reverting to normal lighting wiring (selling house??)...ARRGH. In
which case momentary switches are no use anyway!!
Is anyone else worried about this???? It just seems that I will have
a lot of main wiring to bring switches and lights back to DIN rail
module point.
Whatever, I have to decide now, as first fix is due any time now!!!!

Another quickie. Anyone using a central heating controller or
thermostat that interfaces to X10 or to a HA controller.
What make?
What can you do?
Is it worthwhile?



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