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Re: FW: The final reply RE: The demise of Maplin

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: FW: The final reply RE: The demise of Maplin
  • From: Stuart Grimshaw <stuart@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 23:34:00 +0100
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

>I agree that any website has a long way to go to emulate the
convenience of
>'paper browsing', ours is no exception.

hmm. I'm not a web designer by profession (but I do play one on TV), and I
find this comment quite offensive. Like I said, I'm no pro, but the website
I designed for my Mum's schools was infinatly better than the paper version
she gave me as the copy. "The Register" is far superior to say
Weekly" or "Computing" and Dabs website (much as it pains me
to say it,
their webmaster is that friend of mine) is an excellent site, if quite

>Again there is some merit in your comments about Maplin changing its
>lines.  Please understand that the items that have been discontinued
>had sales in some cases of single figures, and certainly less than
>figures.  This is much a reflection of the changing consumer as
>else.  The hobbyist today buys software and hardware for the computer
>than  a germanium diode for his crystal radio.
>Failure to recognise this would take us out of business.  Of course it
>true that RS and Farnell have excellent ranges of products, but in the
>no retail presence.  It could be argued that Maplin is the only company
>committed to electronics on the high street, I know of no other.  If
>wants to get into robotics for example, or walks in to buy a computer
>then in the Maplin store they will continue to see electronics on show.
>Specialist magazines do not fill the void as the casual reader does not

These 2 paragraphs just contradict each other!! We're dropping lines in
favour of the crap Tandy used to sell, but we're dedicated to
electronics!?!. For fucks sake.

>Unfortunately no one company, especially a medium sized company such as
>ourselves can afford to ignore the economic necessacities. We are at
>giving free gifts and creating  national competition in schools to
>electronics in the younger section of our community, and I believe that
>do try to service this market.

How does this help us get our bits?

>On the subject of catalogues, we found that we sent many catalogues
free of
>charge but received very little in return sales.  I do accept your
>about shop sales not being recorded against your account.  We are
trying to
>do something about that but again the things that consumers (myself
>included) such as fully integrated EPOS systems  take for granted do
>hundreds and thousands of pounds to buy and maintain.
>I wish you well in your search for the products that you need.

Or, in plain english "Fuck off"


(o o)
Stuart Grimshaw                                             sg@xxxxxxx
Special Projects Developer               t: 07976
Schoolsnet LTD                 .oooO  Oooo.                   f: 0870
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