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Deja Vu - Hoover...

I can't remember but I think someone may have mentioned this before - I
think it was Keith - . just brought a new hoover, it's a Philips Cityline
or something.. Quite sexy looking as far as hoovers go.. Anyway the
telescopic arm bit that you push around uses IR to communicate with the
main box. I decided to try it on my Pronto, and hey presto! Remote vac
control from the armchair. It has descrete on and off and 5 power levels..
so anyway I got to thinking how useless this was when I thought, (and this
is another Deja Vu moment), or I could have rememeberd someone else saying
it.. if you had IR blasters say in the ceiling of each room you could for
example have the vac turn off when the phone rings...


--- Tag-it! v2.0 (c) Andy Powell ,1998,1999,2000...and beyond..

People will believe anything if you whisper it.

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