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Re: Sensing stuff

At 09:50 31/03/00 +0100, you wrote:
>not write back the next code. I would think that people with the
>to construct the devise are gainfully employed anyway.

That's a very trusting approach to security... it's not entirely unusual
(actually, I understand it to be almost expected!) for terrorist
bomb-makers to be university electronics graduates, and I recall a recent
programme about car thieves where they'd put together a little box which
allowed them to take advantage of a particular car model's security weak

You could be sure that if there was a way to clone iButtons and their use
becomes widespread, then some 'ned' will come up with a way to 'grab' them,
as they currently do with RF and IR car central locking remote controls...

1st rule of security and warfare- never underestimate the 'enemy'

But the crypto iButtons are likely to be secure for a while yet- there are
probably other weaker points in your house security...

As for ibuttoning everything in the house- Stuart, do you live in a
particularly rough area, are you paranoid, or do you just like playing with
techno-toys?  The first 2 of those can be treated- I'm not sure there is a
cure for the last one, and if there is, I'm not sure I want to know about


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