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More on iButtons


I've got a question (or two) regarding the temperature iButtons which I
hope someone out there can answer. I'm actually loking for a relatively
cheap solution to temperature monitoring in our computer room at the
office. I'd like to be able to remotely (well from another floor) monitor
the temperature of the computer room at various points. So far I've looked
at the Pico RH02/RH03 and am thinking of using them/it in conjunction with
a serial port hub.The serial port hub basically has 4 or 8, 9 pin serial
ports and a 10 base-t connector, with software installed on the client the
serial ports appear as COMx: so any standard comms application could use
them. Whilst out walking the dogs tonight I suddenly thought about the
possibility of using iButtons as a solution. What I'd like to know is:

1. Can the temperature iButton give out real-time data or does it just
'record' it and then pass it back when 'connected'?

2. Has anyone tried multiple iButtons on a on a 'LAN'?

3. Anyone got any other possible solutions?

many thanks


--- Tag-it V1.0 (c) Andy Powell 1998
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry

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