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Re: Is it about to rain on our MP3 Parade?

We of course know the reason why they want to stop people creating their
own MP3's. It's because they want to sell them for themselves. So they
can rip us the paying public off even more.

And unfortunatly people, it's going to happen because the majority of
the consumer goods buying public out there have more money than sense,
beleive everything they see in so called "expert magazines", on
television and hear on the radio, and don't have the backbone to stand
up for themselves and the the rest of the populace and refuse to pay the
rip-off prices.

Stuart Grimshaw,
The views expressed in this email are my own, and do not belong to
anyone else.

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Nigel Orr [SMTP:nigel.orr@xxxxxxx]
>Sent:	Wednesday, January 26, 2000 9:07 AM
>To:	ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>Subject:	[ukha_d] Re: Is it about to rain on our MP3 Parade?
>At 16:07 25/01/00 -0000, you wrote:
>>Macrovision (that lovely company),
>They of the ever-so-successful [not!] video copy protection scheme...
if it
>ever does happen, I wouldn't have thought it will cause problems for
>than a month or two...
>>to be read in a PC CDROM drive. Apparently this is achieved by
>>around with the error correction code.
>Hmmm... can't figure out offhand how they will be able to arrange
>>is able to force the machine to mute its SP/DIF interface to
>I suspect they might alienate rather a lot of high end hi-fi users with
>that move...
>As the full code for DVD has now apparently been compromised, and that
>designed in from the start, I wouldn't expect this will be an obstacle
>many people for very long.  I do entirely support the motive of trying
>stop people copying and distributing CDs, but MP3 ripping for one's own
>use, though technically illegal, seems a bit of a nasty one to come
>I await with interest the expected flop of the system...
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