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Re: Beginner at X10 - general questions

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Beginner at X10 - general questions
  • From: "Steve Morgan" <steve@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 13:32:37 -0000
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: listsaver-egroups-ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


> My first query is regards the house codes.  I get the impression from
> the Homebase instructions that this is intended to prevent
> interference
> from other houses on the same phase as us.  I guess from what I have
> heard the majority of HA enthusiasts use all 256 combinations by using
> the house code for different rooms etc.  Is it recommended that a DIN
> filter unit is used if I use several house codes internally?

I wouldn't bother with a filter unless I was experiencing problems. It's
cheaper to ask your neighbours if they're using X-10 (bet they aren't!)
if so, what house codes they're using.

> Can the DIN mounted modules (AD10, LM10??) be used in a free standing
> mode, i.e. no DIN rail?

Yes. The DIN rail provides a mounting point only. As long as the terminals
are safely shrouded, you don't need to use a DIN-rail enclosure. One of
is safely shrouded by closing the airing cupboard door (if I can't see it,
how can it be dangerous?)! Seriously, it should be in some sort of
to reduce the risk of electric shock and it's not easy to mount without a

> I have recently had problems with the TM12U not responding to the
> remote. I have had to power cycle the TM12U to persuade it to listen.
> Is this common, or is there a fault? (I suspect the problem
> occurs when
> I use the mini timer to do an All units off.  Is this likely?)

Lockups seem fairly common with X-10 kit. Your problem is one that I've
certainly heard of on several occasions. I get similar problems with an

> Do you think the CM12 should be my next purchase or should I
> save up for something like a HomeVision?

As an experienced CM12 user, I'd say go for HomeVision. The CM12 may be
cheap, but let's face it, it's crap! Mine has to be power cycled every time
there's a power cut (sometimes several times) before it'll talk to the PC.
One of these days, when the Land Rover stops absorbing all my money, I'll
replace mine with HV.

> Sorry for the battery of question.

You not going to get anywhere running on batteries.


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