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Re: LP3 hardware Mpeg player

paul gordon wrote:
> >The only quandary I'm in is which mpeg encoder to use.  I been
using Xing,
> >but I get the feeling from the mpeg community that this isn't the
best.  I
> >don't want to encode 600 CDs and then find they're all rubbish!

I find I get the best quality from either blade or the radium codec. I
can spot a xing job from miles away..

> I have been using the Xing encoder for about a year now, and have
> about 240 CD's with it, and I am perfectly happy with the result.

xings implementation of joint stereo seems worse then the rest, I dont
like joint stereo anyway as if you run the audio thru SRS or similar it
sounds like shit.

> I'm not a Hi-Fi bore, but I do have half-decent Kit, (Sony Amp,
> speakers, Qudos speaker cable, IXOS interconnects), and to my ears the
> resultant MP3 is perfectly acceptable, and I haven't even used a
> particularly high bitrate. (I used 128K, although I've seen a few
> recommendations to use 160K).

More accurate stereos will make the mp3 sound better then a pile of
junk. A flat frequency responce is needed for the masking to occur. Try
a pair of $5 "Multimedia" speakers - you will then hear the
big time, also listen for a whoosh sound accompaning snares and cymbals
(And other bright sounds)

> Your ears may be more sensitive than mine, - although I can tell the
> difference between "good" and "crap", there comes
a point where I can no
> longer discern any difference between "good" and
"gooder" ?! and although
> the differences are just about audible, the file size trade-off comes
> the equation as well, (as does the rip speed - I spent a solid month
> my CD's when I first started...)

I thought 128kbps was great untill I started to pick the differences,
and then I noticed them in everything. Its like the lines accross a
trinitron screen - not noticible untill you spot them, and then damn
annoying once you have done.

> It comes down to how you intend to listen to them I suppose - I just
use my
> jukebox for casual listening, backround music, parties, entertaining
> etc. etc.

If you find the bitrate gives acceptable sound then its the right
bitrate for you. Dont go encoding at 320 kb/s just because someone told
you it sounds better. If you cant hear the difference then its not worth
it unless you are archiving it or distributing it on the internet.

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