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Re: X10 lamp modules

Elementry my dear Raymond :-))

As an aside....
you say you downgraded the lamps to approximately 60% of their original
rating and when your bulbs blow they take out the fuses in the dimmers.

Why change the bulbs to lower wattages?
If you use the higher wattage bulbs but run them at 60 -70% brightness they
will last virtually forever. Many commercial buildings run lights at
slightly below full power and double the life of the lamps. The savings
they make on service costs are huge.

Keith Doxey
Krazy Keith's World of DIY Home Automation

-----Original Message-----
From:	Raymond [SMTP:Reb.barnett@xxxxxxx]
Sent:	03 February 2000 11:35
To:	'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'
Subject:	[ukha_d] Re: X10 lamp modules

> Let me guess.....
> Is the lamp in question is mounted with cap DOWN ?

Spot on Sherlock. So what you say/advise makes sense. Maybe I'll buy
some more fuses then, especially since I'm now running low on spare X10
modules ;-). That also explains why the porch light (not under X10
control, yet) took out the lighting circuit breaker on Monday...

> BUY SOME NEW BULBS....They will last a bit longer :-))

We've got a stack of bulbs from when we moved in - the previous owners
obviously didn't like the dark - most bulbs were downgraded (150w>100w,
100>60, 60>40) and since we don't have many incandescents now anyway,
we're not getting through them very quickly!

Thanks for your help!


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