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IR PCB Tx sees the light....

  • To: "Ukha" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: IR PCB Tx sees the light....
  • From: "Ian Bird" <I.Bird@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 12:44:19 -0000
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

The IR transmitter (and receiver) boards both leapt into life last night. I
still have to do a little moving of components (the LED's X2) so they can
used remotely but the first prototype PCB's now officially work.

The receiver board is just over 1/2 inch square or about twice the size of
the three terminal screw block. I haven't thought about a mounting for

Initially I plan to make the transmitters so they fit into a small RS box
with the screw type terminals mounted externally and at opposite ends (cos
have some). For those interested (James etc.) would this be OK. The box is
about 1.5 inch X 1 inch X 1/2 inch + external terminals at each end.
Accurate measurements available when I remember to do it.

Regrettably everything now goes on hold until next week due to life outside
of an etching tank and computer screen.

Again, many thanks to Nigel for the circuit in the first place and Keith on
photo etching techniques. Having my very first board off the 'production
line' work is nothing short of amazing.

Nigel - when I have made the mods above and have another working model I
will send you everything I have used inc. a 'different' circuit diagram
the IC pins in the correct order (MS Word), PCB layouts and photos (might
have to buy a camera at this rate!). I found making the circuit on the
breadboard much easier when the pins on the IC matched those on the
I realise this is probably just a novice problem but, hey, we all have to
start somewhere. Are you OK with my distributing the PCB's as below under

What I would really like now is a circuit that turns off a transmitter when
the receiver in the same room picks up IR. That would make distribution
easier. Am I thinking along the correct lines with........ Detect when
signal goes low from the TSOP and hold pin three on the IC high for the
transmitter in the same room. This would probably mean a dedicated
connection between the two units in the same room???? Alternatively I was
thinking of making the Tx and Rx as one board but with the IR LED's on
flying leads. This would get round the connection problem quite nicely.
would anyone suggest? I have to say I do not know how to design the circuit
for this. I'm OK with relays etc. but need help with something like this.

Something close to most peoples heart. Not quite sure yet! Since I did this
as a learning process I plan to only ask for a contribution to materials
e.g. copper board, chemicals, postage etc. I will total up various kits
boards only, drilled boards, complete kit, whatever else springs to mind -
any suggestions.


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